the year of all records for brands’ dependence on search


The Search Dependence Index measures the dependence of websites on search engines, With an average index of 33 in 2020, it reflects the highest annual dependence ever recorded on search engines.

Strategic dependence on search is a reality that is too often overlooked. 1st challenge to take up, measure it. 2nd challenge, assess its possible dependence and determine how to act when it becomes a risk or a weakness. To do this, the “Search Dependence Index” measures the dependence of websites on search engines, in particular Google , which holds 93% of the French internet search market. With an average score of 33 for the year 2020, the SDI index reflects the highest annual dependence ever recorded since the creation of the index, on search engines. How to explain such an increase? The answer via the details of the levers that compose it, namely direct traffic, search (SEA and SEO), refer, social, email and finally display.

Dependence on Google, a roller coaster ride

If the SDI index was 32 in 2018 and only 29 in 2019, it should be noted that 2019 was mainly marked by a major change in Google’s algorithm and the forced evolution of the application of the principles. Mobile Friendly. However, it is clear that this redistribution of cards was only short-lived. After a low level reached in April 2019 with an index of 24, the summer of 2019 marks a spectacular rebound close to 33 to 34 points still in force throughout the year 2020. The bar of 34 points will even be crossed during the 1st containment of Covid-19. Disrupted daily habits and new consumption channels to be identified and then initiated, particularly digital (online sales / e-commerce, information, etc.) are, without doubt,

In detail, the components of the SDI index are based on all acquisition channels with various configurations. While search is the main component (49%), in particular its SEO component, direct access (> 38%) contributes to a good balance, in particular if they are supplemented by significant actions via referrers (> 5% ), social networks (> 3%), emailing (<3%), affiliation and display advertising.

The search channels (SEO + SEA) influence the underlying trend of SDI by their weight. Almost every second visit to a website (cf. on the top 100 audiences used to build the SDI index) comes from a search engine . If the algorithm changes temporarily reshuffle the cards, the economic context also has a notable impact on search activity. Thus, we can clearly distinguish the Covid effect during the first confinement and to a lesser extent the impact of the second. With an average of 49% in 2020 it is anyway +1 point compared to 2019 and the installation on an upward trend. Note also that the SEA component weighs only 4% to 5% of the global search. Note here the major impact of SEO optimization but also the margin of progression of the SEA turnover of Google and consors.

If search engines account for up to 50% of inbound traffic, let’s break down the remaining 50%. The second acquisition lever weighs nearly 39% of total incoming traffic. This is the direct channel, or, in other words, the direct arrival on the site by entering the URL. It constitutes a privileged and exclusive link with the consumer and stands out as the Holy Grail of any marketer. But to reach it, it is necessary to develop its notoriety via other channels such as the offline media. It is clear that there is a correlation between the variation in the SDI in 2019 and the postponement made almost proportionally to direct accesses. Seen from another angle, the Internet user seems to have a tendency to enter the desired brands on a search engine, failing to construct the url himself with the correct spelling and the extension of the domain name.

The refer channel (links activated from a third-party site), the 3rd largest contributor with 5% to 6% of overall traffic, has been on a stable trend since 2018 and has noted a sharp decline from mid-2019. However, we are seeing a resumption of interest in activating this lever in early 2020, in particular due to the likely health impact.

But what about the social channel? In 2020, the contribution to traffic from social networks reaches its lowest level with barely 3.2%. Even if the first containment seems to have stopped the erosion, it only seems temporary, resuming its fall in the summer of 2020. Advertising on social networks animates many debates. On the one hand on formats, when those considered premium (eg video) display very variable performance, often below basic formats. On the other hand, it is necessary to underline the ambiguity on the location of ecosystems. Should the animation of the communities be limited within the social platform or should it feed the external sites at the risk of breaking the social link initiated?

Regarding emailing, after a constant decline since 2017, the activation of traffic via the email channel seems to stabilize at around 3%. Little visible impact of the specific conditions of the year 2020, in particular the periods of curfew or confinement.

Finally, the display channel, the last good contributor, weighs less than 1%. It will have hit its lowest historical level in mid 2020, with 0.4%, undoubtedly weighed down by a very unfavorable economic context, before rebounding to a more usual level at the end of 2020. Remember that the traffic evaluated here is that limited to traffic acquisition, implied after a click on the advertising format, knowing that the display itself contributes to brand awareness and therefore feeds other acquisition channels.

In conclusion, if your addiction to search is high, four strategic decisions should be made:

  1. Develop the notoriety of your brands, essential capital of your business. Via simple and easily remembered URL signage, direct URL access remains the guarantee of privileged access to your brand universes.
  2. Optimize your SEO: search remains a formidable recruitment channel, as long as it is sized to its fair contribution. Relying on this one channel alone means remaining exposed to competition and / or the verticalization of the market segment by Google. We remember the Kelkoo / Google Shopping case …
  3. Complete its recruitment via social channels, email, today under-sized.
  4. Activate the affiliation when it is opportune and optimize its display presence.


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